
In this section, you will find all of the required information necessary to identify this page’s owner (www.geodesic-i.com) and the basic conditions of its use.
This website’s provider, in the legal sense of the term, and the owner of the site is the Spanish commercial enterprise, GEODESIC INNOVATIONS, S.L., hereafter referred to as Geodesic.
GEODESIC INNOVATIONS, S.L. is registered in the Madrid Business Registry tome 28,776, folio 134, section 8, page M-518097, Registry 1.
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(t) +34 919 55 16 05
(m) project@geodesic-i.com
The aim of this site is merely informative and under no circumstances does browsing the content constitute any type of business relationship with Geodesic. On this site, you will find information about our products and services, as well as new developments and related news. Despite the fact that Geodesic makes an extraordinary effort to make sure that the information within is correct, up-to-date and complete, some errors or inaccurate information may subsist. For that reason, Geodesic does not accept any liability for accuracy, exhaustiveness or quality of the information provided. Geodesic will not be held liable for any injury or damage of any kind that may arise from the direct or indirect use of the information provided. This also applies to any downloadable content.
Geodesic or its collaborators are the exclusive owners of all applicable intellectual property rights for this site’s content. The current legislation protects the appearance and the content (especially the text, images, logos, color combinations, structure, font types, design, etc.), and the total or partial reproduction or use of any kind without the express written consent of the owner is expressly prohibited.
For all content that does not belong exclusively to Geodesic, either previous authorization has been obtained or the corresponding usage license derived from the legitimate owner is in effect.
This site may contain links to third-party sites and domains. Before adding said links, Geodesic has reviewed and checked the apparent legality of that content. Nevertheless, constant reviewing of these sites is not feasible and Geodesic does not accept any liability for the content found on third-party sites. If Geodesic detects illegalities, or receives an inquiry from a third party about the illegality of linked content, those links will be eliminated as soon as reasonably possible.
Geodesic reserves the right to make modifications to this site without prior notice, being able to add, delete or modify any of its content. Similarly, it can modify the content of the conditions of use in this disclaimer which will be announced on the site with due publicity.